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C. Labio, “Art and Aesthetic Theory,” Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment, 2nd ed., ed. Alexander Broadie and Craig Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2019), 271–288.


C. Labio, “‘Belgium Is an Industrialist’: Pride and Exploitation in the Black Country, 1850–1900,” in Nature's Mirror: Reality and Symbol in Belgian Landscape, ed. Jeffery Howe, exh. cat. (Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College, McMullen Museum of Art, 2017), 49–61.


C. Labio, “The Inherent Three-Dimensionality of Comics,” in Bande Dessinée: Thinking Outside the Boxes, ed. Laurence Grove and Michael Syrotinski, Yale French Studies 131/132 (Spring 2017): 84–100.


C. Labio, "Le Rêve de Law au pays du désespoir” [Law’s Dream in the Land of Despair], in “Gagnons sans savoir comment!” Représentations du Système de Law du XVIIIe à nos jours, ed. Florence Magnot-Ogilvy (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, coll. Interférences, 2017), 245–263.


C. Labio, “The Architecture of Comics,” Critical Inquiry 41.2 (winter 2015): 312–343.


C. Labio, “Staging Folly in the Dutch Republic, France, and England,” in The Great Mirror of Folly: Finance, Culture, and the Crash of 1720,  co-ed. with W. Goetzmann, K. Rouwenhorst, and T. Young (Yale University Press, 2013), 142–157.


W. Goetzmann, C. Labio, K. Rouwenhorst, and T. Young, “Introduction," in The Great Mirror of Folly: Finance, Culture, and the Crash of 1720, ed. W. Goetzmann, C. Labio, K. Rouwenhorst, and T. Young (Yale University Press, 2013), 2-17.


C. Labio, “Adam Smith’s Aesthetics,” Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith, ed. C. Berry, M. Paganelli, and C. Smith (Oxford University Press, 2013), 105-125.  Revised paperback edition, 2016.


C. Labio, “Sign, Signified, Signifier,” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th edition (Princeton University Press, 2012), 1304-06.


C. Labio, “What’s in a Name? The Academic Study of Comics and ‘The Graphic Novel’,” Cinema Journal 50:3 (2011): 123-26.


C. Labio, “The Solution Is in the Text: A Survey of the Recent Literary Turn in Adam Smith Studies,” The Adam Smith Review, vol. 2 (October 2006): 149-76.


C. Labio, “Reading by the Gold and Black Clock, Or, the Recasting of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre’s Paul et Virginie,” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 16:4 (July 2004): 671-94.


C. Labio, “Editor’s Preface: The Federalization of Memory,Belgian Memories, Yale French Studies 102 (2002): 1 – 8.


C. Labio, “Epistolarité et épistémologie: La Fayette, Descartes, Graffigny et Rousseau,” SVEC – Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2002:6 (June 2002): 79 – 91.


C. Labio, “Woman Viewing a Letter,” L'Esprit créateur 40:4 (Winter 2000): 7 – 12.


C. Labio, “ ‘What's in Fashion vent’: Behn, La Fayette, and the Market for Novels and Novelty,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 28:1 (Winter 1998): 119 – 39.


C. Labio, “The Aesthetics of Adam Smith's Labor Theory of Value,” Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 38:2 (1997): 134 – 149.


C. Labio, “Reading Catharine MacKinnon in Europe,” The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 1:3 (1996): 1004 – 1009.


C. Labio, “Can 25% of GDP Remain an Afterthought?”Preface to Taal, Vertaling, Management: Verkenningen in een economisch niemandsland [Language, Translation, Management: Explorations in an Economic No-Man’s-Land] by Johan Hermans and Peter Simoens.Publications of the CERA Chair for Translation, Management, and Culture No. 1. (Leuven, 1994).

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